Strategic Plan
In fall 2021, the Asheville City Schools Foundation collaborated with Vital Clarity to facilitate a series of strategic planning sessions to guide the next three years of our work. ACSF’s Strategic Planning Committee was composed of 25 diverse, intergenerational members including ACSF board and staff, ACS board members and educators, parents, community leaders, UNCA alumni, AHS alumni, and current ACS students.
A cross-section of the Strategic Planning Committee from our virtual October 23rd session
ACSF’s Strategic Planning Committee used the following Focus Question to guide our collective work and visioning: How will we, as the dedicated staff, leadership and stakeholders of ACSF,
continually deliver innovative, responsive, student-centered programs for all ACS students,
build a sustainable leadership pipeline for our students, teachers, and ACSF staff,
create and sustain just, collaborative, community partnerships,
especially with historically marginalized populations,while we strengthen our relationship with the school district and
transform how we generate and share resources equitably?
Our Facilitator
Virtually facilitated by:
Kathleen Osta & Team
Vital Clarity