frequently asked questions

How many days can I sign my child up for?

You can sign your child up for each day of the week, or just 3, or just 2, or just 1! Whatever is best for you and your student’s needs.

Where does IRL take place? 

IRL begins at 3:30PM in the cafeteria of Asheville Middle School. Most clubs will take place in various classrooms at AMS unless the club is traveling off-campus. For traveling clubs, they will all return to AMS at the end of their program time.

Can my child ride the evening bus home?

Yes! As long as your child lives within the district and your home has a stop nearby that is accessible by school bus, then they can ride our evening bus. The evening bus usually begins its route from AMS around 5:30PM. If you are unsure about whether or not your child would be eligible to ride the bus, please contact us directly so that we can work with you.

Where and when is pickup for car riders?

Car riders are picked up in the back parking lot of AMS at 5:30PM. The entrance to the back parking lot is just past the softball field heading South on French Broad Ave.

If I’d like to pay for programming, how do I go about that?

There are a couple of different ways to pay. You can pay online with a card through our parent portal. You can also pay by check made out to the Asheville City Schools Foundation with the memo line ‘IRL.’ Reminder that pay is completely optional and operates on a sliding scale! 

For questions or for more information please contact:

Gregory Hall II
In Real Life After-School Program Director
IRL cell: 828-747-2247