Financial & Legal
The Asheville City Schools Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
EIN# 58-1836982
Financials 2023-2024
Revenue & Support
Cash and In-Kind Contributions ..….…….… $596,843
Foundation and Nonprofit Grants ….....….… $511,163
Government Contracts and Grants….….…...... $51,000
Investment Income (Held at CFWNC)...….... $153,503
Program Service Revenue ..……….….…..….... $36,499
Special Events Income………....………...…….($3,680)
Other .………………….………………….…... $6,142
Total Revenue and Support …...…..… $1,351,470
Operating Expenses
Program Services …………….…..…..… $1,054,581
Management and General …………….…. $119,003
Fundraising ………………………..…...…. $62,964
Total Operating Expenses …………..... $1,236,548
Commitment to Racial Equity
The Asheville City Schools Foundation believes that how we allocate money is a reflection and demonstration of our commitment to racial equity in Asheville City Schools. Funding for programming and scholarships is equitably and intentionally allocated to support black and brown students. This priority puts financial resources toward undoing historical inequities and closing the opportunity gap that adversely impacts black and brown students. ACSF works to accomplish this goal by directly funding students, parents, educators, artists, Black-led nonprofits, and Black-owned businesses.