Communities thrive when STUDENTS are prepared to make a difference.

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. It is critical that our Asheville City Schools graduates have the opportunity to move on to higher learning and careers. That is why we are committed to award over $200,000 in new and renewing scholarships each year to support students as they continue to excel after graduation. Since 2000, over $3.2 million has been awarded to Asheville High and SILSA graduates.

The 2024-2025 Scholarship Application is CLOSED FOR THE 24-25 SCHOOL YEAR.

Applicants: stay tuned for more details!

For frequently asked questions and answers, click here

The College Application Week fee-waiving colleges lists are on this page ( > Apply to College > NC Countdown to College > Colleges participating in CAW).  Be aware that this page looks different this year – scroll down to the bottom for the dropdown lists!

**Reminder, the entire site is translated into Spanish when you select the “Espanol” at the top of the website or by accessing this link.


College App Waivers for Hurricane Helene Counties: The following institutions will waive application fees during College Application Week for students who were enrolled at high schools in FEMA-designated Hurricane Helene Counties:

  • Appalachian State University

  • NC State University

  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  • University of North Carolina at Charlotte

  • University of North Carolina at Greensboro (includes NC College Connect Application)

  • University of North Carolina Wilmington

**Several universities will also extend fee waivers beyond College Application Week for students from the disaster-declared counties, including NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill and UNCW. More information is available on each university’s website.


 UNC System Extended Deadlines:

FROM THE UNC SYSTEM OFFICE: The UNC System is committed to supporting students and their families during this challenging time in the wake of Hurricane Helene. As part of this effort, several campuses have extended their priority, early action, or scholarship deadlines to accommodate affected students in FEMA-designated regions. These extensions are available exclusively to students in the affected areas and may be further adjusted depending on the reopening of impacted high schools.  Please note that campuses not listed below operate with rolling admissions or have admissions or scholarships deadlines that remain unaffected. Below is a list of campuses with revised deadlines.

Campus Deadline Information

Appalachian State University

  • Scholarship Deadline: Guaranteed scholarship consideration for first-year students will be extended to those who apply by November 15, 2024, and submit all supplemental materials by November 30, 2024.

East Carolina University

  • Honors College Deadline: Extended to November 15, 2024.

North Carolina A&T State University

  • New Application Deadline: Early Action application deadline extended to December 1, 2024.

  • Scholarship Deadline: December 1, 2024, for North Carolina students.

North Carolina State University

  • New Application Deadline: Early Action application deadline extended to November 15, 2024.

  • Scholarship Deadline: February 2025 (extensions available as needed).

UNC Asheville

  • New Application Deadline: Early Action application deadline extended to December 1, 2024.

UNC Charlotte

  • Application Deadline: The university will be flexible and accommodate students who cannot meet the November 1, 2024, Early Action deadline.

  • Scholarship Deadline: November 1, 2024, for the Levine Scholars Program (extensions available as needed).

UNC-Chapel Hill

  • New Application Deadline: Early Action deadline extended to October 31, 2024.

  • Scholarship Deadline: Upon application submission, students are automatically reviewed for most scholarships. Morehead-Cain has been extended to November 4, 2024.

Winston-Salem State University

  • New Application Deadline: The spring 2025 application deadline for all student types has been extended to December 13, 2024.

 If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ulisa E. Bowles, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, at

Congratulations to the 2024 ACSF Scholarship Awardees!


Trayson Akbar: Seth David Shillcock Olson Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Mechanical Engineering
He is passionate about applying sound analytical skills to his creative process.

Jeremy Kemper: Dr. William E. Drake Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Biology
He aspires to eventually earn his doctorate to help animals as a Veterinarian.


Imani Banks: Paddison Family Scholarship
North Carolina Central University; Psychology & Social Work
She is passionate about ensuring young people have the opportunity to know how to take care of their mental health.

Joya Miracle: Peterson Stanley Future Educator Scholarship University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Environmental Studies
She is passionate about bettering our natural world and helping those around her.


Brody Bell: Mitchell and Shannan Carlisle Memorial Scholarship
Appalachian State University; Public & Applied History
He’s an aspiring Museum Curator who supports everyone’s journey to uncovering the secrets of the past.

Oliver Morris: Reed Scholarship for Applied Awesomeness
New York University; Dramatic Writing
He is passionate about inspiring other people and sharing his love for storytelling.


Sara Benitez-Cerritos: UU Asheville-Hetland Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Charlotte;
She is passionate about having representation and support for minorities in the health care field and local community.

Mae Reilly Mueller: Paddison Family Scholarship
North Carolina State University; Fashion & Textile Design
She is passionate about sustainability, body positivity, equality, and more, hoping to bring change through the arts.


Ezra Bozanic: Asheville Promise Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Business & English
He is determined to build a successful career and pursue a life of deeper learning.

Olivia Nery: Dr. William E. Drake Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Biology
She intends to combine her passions of science and service to contribute to the advancement of dental health equity.


Rosemary Brown: Asheville Promise Scholarship University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Psychology
She wants to make a difference to ensure that everyone feels seen when seeking care.

Braedan “Brady” O’Connell: Charles and Eleanor Wykle Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Wilmington
He is a dedicated learner who is passionate about supporting his community.


Anny Chen: Deutsch Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; History
She aims to spread the stories and voices of people who have gone unheard.

Eddero Pretrick: Pepsi-Cola Scholarship
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College; Engineering
He aspires to become a an Electrical Engineer and use his problem-solving skills.


Kamora Codrington: Paddison Family Scholarship Winston-Salem State University; Nursing
She is passionate about the health care field and aspires to be a Travel Labor and Delivery Nurse.

Tierra Raiti: Asheville Promise Scholarship
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering; Electrical Engineering
She is passionate about becoming a leader in future technological advancements.


Trevion Codrington: John B. Lewis Scholarship University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Kinesiology
He is an aspiring Physician who aims to work in the sports industry.

Fanny Reynoso-Diaz: UU Asheville-Hetland Scholarship
Virginia Tech; Political Science
She aspires to one day give back to the community and become North Carolina’s first Latina Governor.


Breaundra Edgerton: Paddison Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Human Biology
She is passionate about becoming a Dentist to make the practice more diverse and equitable.

Konnor Robinson: Chris Merrill Memorial Scholarship
North Carolina A&T; Kinesiology
He is passionate about sports and is an aspiring Physical Therapist.


Azalea Forest: Paddison Family Scholarship
Lees-McRae College; Wildlife Biology
She aspires to teach others about wildlife and habitat conservation.

Kyleah Searles: SECU Foundation People Helping People Scholarship
North Carolina Central University; Criminal Justice
She aspires to become a Trial Attorney who aims to eliminate racial bias in the legal field.


Fernanda Glagau Do Espirito Santo: Paddison Family Scholarship
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; Pediatrics
She wants to ensure the health of future generations.

Caprice Smith: Paddison Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Architecture & Interior Design
She is passionate about being creative and making a tangible impact, transforming spaces into functional art.


Virginia Griffith: SECU Foundation People Helping People Scholarship
North Carolina State University; Exploratory Studies
She is excited to have new opportunities and find her path through her interests.

Antonio Stinson: City of Asheville Scholarship
North Carolina A&T; Acting & Music
He’s passionate about helping others and creating a better environment for everyone to thrive in the future.


Mariela Grijalva-Vasquez: Paddison Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Business & Marketing
She is passionate about providing the Hispanic community with the tools needed to find affordable housing. 

Antoria Stinson: Paddison Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Social Work
She is very passionate about helping the youth and making sure they all have equitable resources to become successful in life.


Lia Hayes: Paddison Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Criminal Justice
She is passionate about helping others seek justice for themselves and their communities. 

Sthainder “James” Swaringen: Paddison Family Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Political Science
He aims to attend law school and pursue a career in the legal field.


Samarra Jefferson: Charles and Eleanor Wykle Scholarship
University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Political Science
She is aspiring to be an advocate for minorities in the US.

Cassandra “Cassie” Sweetland: Bruce and Jean Larson Community Service Scholarship
University of Georgia; Biological Sciences
She has a passion for saving wildlife and will attend veterinary school.


Aaliyah Jones: Pepsi-Cola Scholarship
Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College; Medical Sonography
She is a caring advocate who wants to provide for others.

Tabitha “Tabby” Sweetland: Lee H. Edwards Class of ‘48 Scholarship
Rhodes College; History & Wildlife
She hopes to improve the lives of animals and the environment, while unearthing our past as humans.


Jeremiah Jones: Asheville Promise Scholarship
North Carolina Central University; Recreational Therapy
He is passionate about helping others through his hobbies and interests.

Rio Valentine: Lee H. Edwards Class of ‘51 Scholarship
Western Carolina University; Mechanical Engineering
He is dedicated to creating a lasting legacy and improving the world.


Sophie Kafka: W. Monroe Keyserling Scholarship
New York University; Chemistry
She hopes to become a Pharmaceutical Researcher, increasing the affordability and accessibility of medications.

Amara White:
North Carolina A&T; Nursing
She wants to be a Labor and Delivery Nurse and work to dismantle systemic racism in medicine.

Thank you 2024
Scholarship Committee:

Aryelle Jacobsen, 2024 Scholarship Coordinator

Ashley Allen
Kimberly Nava Eggett
Deborah Bailey
Lyndi Hewitt

Jean Larson
Leigh Jackson
Rob Merrill
Ingrid Kalwitz Blanco

Kai Moore
Jo Jamison
Lee Merrill
Velene Fagan

James C. Carter
Maggie Fehrman
Amieris Lavender
Preston Blakely

For questions or more information, please contact:

Bree Clayton
Executive Assistant & Communications Coordinator
(828) 348-6566