Individual Donors

ACSF's network of supporters provide essential resources to ensure high-quality, transformational educational opportunities for Asheville’s youth and educators. Our most sincere gratitude goes to the following list of generous donors from 2023-2024:

Abigail Moser
Adam Griffith
Adam Reed and Leigh Jackson
Aisha Adams
Al and Shirley Whitesides
Alan and Alesia Mullis
Alesia Norfleet
Alexandria Mitchell
Alice and Ron Martin-Adkins
Alicia Cole
Alison Toney
Allan Wolf
Allen T. Worth
Allison Chapman
Allison Williams
Alyse Ostreicher
Amanda and Jan Pattanayak
Amanda Eller
Amanda Galvin
Amanda McCombs
Amanda Mills
Amelia Sherman
Amie and Graham Paul
Amieris Lavender
Amy Dodson
Amy Glenn
Amy Moore
Amy Nowatzki
Amy Ray and Leslie Muir
Amy Reed
Amy Wawak
Amy Wiesner
Andrea Runnels
Anita Krumpe
Ann and Welcker Taylor
Ann Batchelder and Henri Kieffer
Anna Gillespie
Anna Hamrick and Sam Snead
Anne Capp
Anne Fitten Glenn
Anneliese Shreve
Annie Houle
Ansley Miller
April Roland
Arnaud Couraud
Art and Faye Trunkfield
Arthur and Penny Kiser
Aryelle Jacobsen
Ashley Hanna Kyykendall
Azalea Forest
Babs Blomberg
Barbara Conrad
Bart and Melissa Murphy
Becca and Edwin Mericle
Bella Hale
Ben and Becky Lewis
Ben and Libby Fehsenfeld
Bethany Croese
Bethany Malley Wijesinghe
Betsey and Mitch Russell
Betsy C. Boys
Bette and Gerald Meyer
Bill and Amanda VanCleve
Blair A. Johnston
Bob Deutsch
Bobbie M. Laratta
Bobbie Y. Short
Bonnie Braine
Bonnie Sheldon
Bradley and Maureen Feuston
Bradley Newsom
Brant and Sara Niedenthal
Bree Clayton
Brian and Amy Powchak
Brian and Jennifer Nelson
Brian Lumb
Brooks M. Butler
Brooks Sizemore
Bruce and Jean Larson
Bruce and Jo Ikelheimer
Bryan Head
Byron Alday
Caleb Rudow
Calli Zarpas
Carmen Mangum
Carmen Membreno
Carol and Carlton Craig
Carol McCollum
Carol Montoya
Carole Martin
Caroline Ayers
Caroline Knox and Michael Lindow
Carolyn Herbst
Carolyn Wood
Carrie Frye
Caryn Hanna
Cassandra Wells
Catherine Mencher
Catherine Titus
Chad and Marissa Brooks
Charles Martin
Charlie and Jeanne Cummings
Charlotte Roth Wolfe
Cheryl Johnson
Cheryl Suydam
Chris and Katie Campbell
Chris and Kelly Dunbar
Christa Nierzwick
Christal Dunn
Christina Dooley
Christine Erway
Christopher and Lisa Manning
Christopher Reade
Christy Hurlburt
Chuck and Diane Whitehead
Cinda Chima
Cindy Appleby
Cindy Bodenheimer
Claire Goulthorpe
Clara Goldman
Connie Buckner Davis
Copland and Steve Rudolph
Courtney Hawes
Courtney Lally
Crissy Stewart
Crystal Hendrix
Cynthia J. Byron
D. Tyrell McGirt & Carla Crews-McGirt
Dacia Harris
Damon Dickinson
Dan and Meredith Comer
Dana Fehsenfeld
Daniel Lord
Daniel Withrow
Dave Love
Dave Shearer
David and Ellen Feingold
David Danley and Alida Woods
David Hurand and Martha Salyers
Dawn and Jimi Rentz
Debby and Bill Graham
Deborah (Dee) James
Deborah and Steve Stout
Deborah Bailey
Debra Campbell
Destiny Askew

Diana Jones
Dorothy and Brye Hambright
Doug Sharkey
Eliana Rodriguez
Elisabeth Bocklet
Elizabeth Bell
Elizabeth Davis
Elizabeth Farris
Elizabeth garrison
Elizabeth LeBleu
Elizabeth Newman
Elizabeth Peeler
Ellie Bluestone
Elyse Hurley
Emily Novick
Emily Palit
Emma Noel
Erica Bell
Erin Chester
Erin Doyle
Erin Meadows
Eugene McGirt
Evelyn Ellis
Farah Gokturk
Frances Kelly
Frances Walton
Frank Leonard Jordan
Frank Patton and Susan Reiser
Frankie and Julie Adkins
Gabriella Bluestone
Gabrielle Marcee
Gail L. Ward
Gay Coleman
Gayle Mair
Gene and Lee Casey
George Matulik
George Sieburg and Anna Booraem
Georgia Smith
Gerri Baer
Gerry and Bette Meyer
Glenis Redmond
Gleyn and Dick Hoffman
Gordon and Robin Gaiser
Grace Gilles
Grant Baird
Greg and Audra Holden
Greg and Michele Stratta Gregory
Greg and Susanne Walker-Wilson
Gretchen Ross
Hannah Cole
Hara Sitnick
Harli and Kevin Palme
Harold T. Southern, Jr.
Harry and Nancy Young
Harvey S. Lowe, Jr and Susan
Hitchcock-Lowe Foundation
Hayley Pedersen
Heather Israel
Heather Vaughn
Heidi and Marshall Fields
Heidi Freeman
Heidi Honchariw
Herbert D. Piercy Sr.
Hilary Krueger
Holly Demuth
Hope Warshaw
Hope Willis
Ian Nelson and Sarah McMillan
Ian Watkins
Ivry Cheeks
Ivy Dyckman
Jacquelyn Hallum
James C. Carter
James Gardner
James Garrett
James Georgakis
James Goalder
James J. Cassara
James Johnson
Jamie Stevenson
Jan Sturgis
Jane E. Roda
Janell Agyeman
Janna Hoekema
Jason and Amy SheelerJason Conklin
Jason Gast and Valerie True
Jason Nejezchleb
Jax Turentine
Jay and Keaton Hill
Jean and Gary Terenzi
Jean Moxley
Jeanine Keating
Jeanne Morris
Jeanne Tramm
Jeff Dalton
Jeffery Struckhoff
Jeffrey F. Andrews
Jeffrey Graham
Jeffrey Konz
Jen and Landon Ward
Jen Watkins
Jennifer and David Fowler
Jennifer Linn
Jennifer Mullendore
Jennifer Park
Jennifer VanCamp
Jenny Kobin
Jenny Pickens
Jenny Sansone
Jenny Schoenauer
Jeremy Russell
Jerome and Ruletta Hughes
Jerry and Diane Cunningham
Jerry and Marlene Sternberg
Jerry and Susan Bleckley
Jerry Crosby and Mike Hix
Jesse and Aviva Pitt
Jessica deBettencourt
Jessica Holan
Jessica Norris
Jessica O'Neill
Jill and Bill Jones
Jill Fromewick
Jill R. Mooney
Jim and Diane Abbott
Jim and June Causby
Jim and Lisa Clark
Jo G. Landreth
Joanna and Mark Bolick
Joanne Stephenson
Joe Hooten
Joel Adams and Marla Adams
John and Katie Fleer
John Creed
Jon Sarver and Sarah Dobbins
Jonathan Capp
Jonathan Champion
Joshua Herold
Joy Cadelina
Judith Helms Putnam
Judy Beck and Jerome Hay
Julia Allison Hope Weems
Julie Koenke and Amy Climer
Julie Noblitt
Julie Tizzard
Justin Asher Hershoran and Anya

Karen and Josh Rigsby
Karen Bell
Karen Lloyd
Karl Kuhn
Karren Scruggs
Kate and Ray Shem
Kate Glynn and Geoffrey Habron
Kate Pett and Vincent Floriani
Kate Spratt
Katherine Davis
Katherine Fleer
Katherine Galayda
Katherine R James
Katherine Toth
Kathleen and John Healy
Kathleen Hossler
Kathryn Hardy
Kathy B Sadoff
Katie and Didier Dalton
Katie Hernandez
Katie Mays
Katie Williams
Keating and Meade Fund
Keena Proctor
Keith Hinson
Kelli Madkins and Lia Hayes
Kelly Kelbel
Kelly Spencer
Kelly Wedell
Ken and Ida Brown
Ken Arthur-Steward
Kenneth and Janice Kubitschek
Kenneth Barnett
Kensley Herbst
Kern Parker and Betsy Wilson
Kevan Frazier
Kim Dechant
Kim Kessaris
Kim McGuire and Jim Samsel
Kim O'Donnell
Kimberly and Leonard Jones
Kimberly Nava Eggett
Kimberly Robinson
Kirsten LeClerc
Kora Manheimer
Kristin Moyle
Kristina Shriver
Kymberly Verhovshek
Landry and Jessica Mayeux
Langley Ellmann
Larry Weiss and Debra Cooper
Laura Greeley
Laura Lane
Laura M. Lane
Laura Misner
Laura Parks
Laurel Jernigan
Laurie Wilcox-Meyer
LaVie Montgomery
Leah B. Noel, CPA, PC
Legerton Architecture
LeNoir Medlock and Charlton Bradsher
Leslie Heidinger
Levette Campbell
Levi Somervill
Libby Kyles
Lillian Danzis
Linda Alfredson and Mark Cobb
Linda Burke
Linda FranciscoDemers
Linda Jones
Linda Opalewski
Linda Yokum
Lindsay Hearn
Lisa Bishop
Lisa Green
Lisa Krift
Lizzie C. Rogers
Lori Hilliard
Lori JT Ten and Wilhelm Ritter
Lucinda Wykle-Rosenberg and Eric Rosenberg
Lyndi Hewitt
Lynn Foster
Maggie and Joel Fehrman
Maggie Mohr
Mara Sprain
Marc Hunt and Cat Potts
Marcus and Allison Kirkman
Margaret Averyt
Margaret Sullivan
Maria M Milla
Maria Vaught
Marianne Newman
Marie Bauer
Marie Chamberlin
Marissa White
Mark Brazil
Marna Holland
Marsha Fretwell
Marta Alcalá
Martha Elizabeth Gudger
Mary and Bill Garrison
Mary and Randall Johnson
Mary Ann and John Virant
Mary L. Aldridge
Mary McCormick
Matias Bell
Matthew Leggat
Matthew Menne
Maya Resnick
Medhanit Sarver
Megan Day
Megan Northcote
Melanie Bianchi
Melanie Carta
Melissa Hedt
Melissa Kledis
Merritt and Madeline Moseley
Michael and Charlotte Lewis
Michael Gilles
Michele Delange
Michelle Condon
Michelle Franco
Mike Carpenter
Miles and Millie Elmore
Milissa and Douglas Acquard
Milo Cates
Mindy Coleman
Miri Massachi
Miriam and Devin Tighe
Misty Boachie
Molly Von Mitschke-Collande
Monroe Keyserling
Nakeysha Ambrosia Welch
Nancy and Virgil Thrash
Nancy Buchanan
Nancy Cohen
Nancy Smith
Nancy Stainback
Natalie Ayscue
New Hope Presbyterian Church of South Buncombe
Nicholas Ladd
Nicole Cush
Night's Bright Colors

Nina Reinhart
Noah Chapman
Noreen and Douglas Gates
Norma Hawes
North Carolina Retired School Personnel
Oliver Morris
Osondu McPeters
Paddison Family Foundation
Paige Gilchrist
Pamela Culp
Pamela Martin
Patricia and James Perkerson
Patricia Johnson
Paul Smith and Judy Futch
Paula Hayes
Pauline Dove and Peter Lamal
Pete Candler
Peter and Andrea Rosal
Peter Sprague Jr.
Phaedra Cates
Philip and Donna Brown
Phineas Price
Polly Bolding
Polly D. Germer
Porscha Orndorf
Quinn Moran
R Jane Anderson
Rachel Clay
Rachel Owings
Rachel Reeser and Steven Slack
Ralph Johnson
Ralph Redpath
Rebecca Abide and Kevin Boggs
Rebecca Kasper
Rebecca Strimer and Kyle Voorhees
Reid Chapman and Cathy Cleary
Renee Jolly
Renee Rallos
Rhoda and Bill Groce
Rhoda Todd
Richard Hawkins
Ricky and Traci Silver
Rob and Joy McIver
Rob Dickson
Rob Lamb
Robert Bartlett
Robert Steffen and Jennifer Jones
Rod and Bess Baird
Rosalyn Fielding
Rosemary Peterson
Rosie Eisenberg
Ruafika Cobb
Ruchi Moore
Ruthann and Kendall Harden
Ryan A. Williams
Sally O'Neill
Sam L. Rhodes
Samantha Erway
Samuel Raines
Sandra Byrd
Sandy Juarez
Sara and Jim Metzger
Sarah and Alan Thornburg
Sarah and Sean Donnelly
Sarah Dollar
Sarah Duffer
Sarah Kehrberg
Sarah Lewis
Sarah Martin
Sarah McGlynn
Sarah Patten
Sarah Samuel
Scott and Carrie Buchanan
Scott Fisher
Scott Hardin-Nieri
Seetaramaiah and Anuradha Kanakamedala
Shannon and Kenneth Hunt
Shannon Baggett
Shannon Cornelius
Shannon Kauffman
Sharon Withrow
Shavonne and Steve Darity
Shawn Winebrenner
Shelly Powell
Sherry and Bart Martin
Sierra Allen
Sonia Correia
Sonna Jamerson
Sophia Guciardo
Stanley K Gordon
Stephanie and Graham Sharp
Stephen Scroggs
Steve Agan and Michelle Bedard
Steven Davis
Sue and Tim Hanlon
Susan and David Leader
Susan McDowell
Susan Pierce
Susan Rowan
Susan Toole
Susie Fahrer
Taryn Hoffman
Taryn Taylor
Tessa Talarico
Thomas Crabtree
Thomas House
Thorsten Path
Tiece Ruffin and Agya Boakye-Boaten
Tiffanee Jones
Tiffany Dill
Tina de los Santos and Daniel Fertel
Tish Szurek
Tom and Cathi Durham
Tom and Linda Sprouse
Tom Petruccelli
Tommy and Gene Arnold
Tory Schmitz
Tracey Barrett
Tracey Jenkins
Tracie L. Wilson
Tyler Evans
Vanessa Binns
Vanessa Byrd
Vanessa Campbell and Alex Brown
Velene Fagan and Juvae Mullings
Vera Williams
Veronica Lepa
Vicki L. Partin
Virgil and Joann Smith
Virginia Hansen
Virginia Pett and Richard Bromund
Viviann Pettersson
Wade and Dorothy Hampton
Will Smith
William and Martha Scarborough
Willow Garrison
Win and Meg Word-Sims
Winifred V Morehouse
Winslow Tuttle
Ximena Z. Del Corral Smith
Yvonne Smith

*This list reflects individual donors during the 2023-2024 fiscal year. If your name has been inadvertently left off this list or a correction needs to be made, please contact to help us update our records.